Category Archives: Writing

The 10 Best Things About Being an Editor

One day, this WILL BE MINE. (Did that sound slightly maniacal? Hm.)

Nightwolf A.D.E.

There have been a lot of articles floating around the interwebs lately detailing the uglier side of editing, the harsh reality and bitter truth that publishing generally prefers to keep hidden. And I’d guess a lot of you are wondering why anyone would sign up for a job that clearly comes with a large side of misery. Or, if you’re a fledgling editor, you’re probably thinking it won’t happen to you, that those of us “griping” are just jaded old farts yelling “GET OFF MY LAWN!” at anyone who comes near. But trust me, you’re wrong. It will happen to you. I said I’d never fall prey to it either, and now look. I struggle daily to hold on to the passion and enthusiasm I started out with, to avoid turning into that hateful, jaded editor I said I’d never become. Because, you see, being an editor is a lot…

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5 Ways to Excel at Taking Criticism Poorly

Method 3 is my favorite. Forget my love of constructive criticism—this is my new way of living!

A Writer's Path

by Kyle Massa

Let’s get one thing out of the way: very, very few people enjoy taking criticism. It’s not fun to spend hours of your time on a piece that you really like, only to have someone point out all the things they didn’t like. In fact, sometimes it can be downright discouraging.

But let’s not get discouraged. Because any writer will tell you that the first draft is always going to stink. Which means that the feedback you receive is invaluable to your writing process. Without it, you can’t improve.

Still, there are those out there who just can’t take criticism. If you want to be one of those wonderful folks, here are five great ways to excel at taking criticism poorly.

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Awkward Writer Moments

A conversation that played out in my head after a full day of researching medical information for Novel #2:

Me:  What happened to your arm?

Girl with Arm in Sling:  I broke it.

Me:  Dang.  I was hoping you’d been stabbed.


…I think Awkward Writer Moments needs to be a thing.  God knows I have enough of them.

Cara Kennaway

Day 28: Shrive

Word of the Day:


verb (used with object).

  1. to grant absolution to (a penitent).
  2. to impose penance on (a sinner).
  3. to hear the confession of (a person).

verb (used without object). Archaic.

4. to hear confessions.

5. to go to or make confession; confess one’s sins, as to a priest.

Continue reading Day 28: Shrive