Tag Archives: obsession

Awkward Writer Moments

A conversation that played out in my head after a full day of researching medical information for Novel #2:

Me:  What happened to your arm?

Girl with Arm in Sling:  I broke it.

Me:  Dang.  I was hoping you’d been stabbed.


…I think Awkward Writer Moments needs to be a thing.  God knows I have enough of them.

Cara Kennaway

On the Unexpected Literary Merit in Folk Music

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I thought I’d touch on an oft-neglected topic: the literary value of song lyrics.  Particularly, lyrics in traditional Irish folk songs.* Continue reading On the Unexpected Literary Merit in Folk Music

Day 28: Shrive

Word of the Day:


verb (used with object).

  1. to grant absolution to (a penitent).
  2. to impose penance on (a sinner).
  3. to hear the confession of (a person).

verb (used without object). Archaic.

4. to hear confessions.

5. to go to or make confession; confess one’s sins, as to a priest.

Continue reading Day 28: Shrive

Day 22: Dudgeon

Word of the Day:



  1. a feeling of offense or resentment; anger: We left in high dudgeon.
  2. Obsolete. a kind of wood used especially for the handles of knives, daggers, etc.
  3. Obsolete. a handle or hilt made of this wood.
  4. Obsolete. a dagger having such a hilt.

Continue reading Day 22: Dudgeon